Dr. Carol A. Cummings

  • 范士丹教育与人类发展学院临时院长

Since joining the esball官方网 范斯坦教育与人类发展学院 (FSEHD) faculty in 2010,  Dr. 卡明斯热情地提供了她在促进健康素养方面的专业知识, 校本健康教育, 促进公众健康, 并在学校和社区环境中培养专业教育工作者. Dr. 卡明斯注入了她对社会正义的承诺, 健康知识, 以及有效的教学方法, service, and research. She has designed and taught student-centered undergraduate and graduate courses aligned with professional standards and the FSEHD outcomes, 运用文化响应式教学, 有效的教学策略, and technology that supports empowering students to take ownership of their academic success. Dr. 卡明斯曾担任B.S. 促进社区和公众健康,以及.Ed. 健康教育项目. 
作为一个正教授和行政人员, 她继续在州和国家层面上展示她的原创研究, 同时担任州和联邦资助的首席研究员

Dr. 卡明斯于2018年至2021年担任健康与体育系主任. 她促进了部门的运作, including long-range goals that reflected the mission and vision of the FSEHD and the college. In 2021, Dr. 卡明斯担任FSEHD临时副院长. Her efforts focused on advancing all FSEHD academic programs' quality and status within the school and implementing processes and procedures to support admissions, accreditation, 领导教育工作者的准备和认证. Dr. Cummings successfully led the accreditation review process for all FSEHD undergraduate and graduate educator preparation programs during the 2022 - 2023 academic year.In 2023, Dr. 卡明斯成为FSEHD的临时院长, 她在哪里继续和教职员工一起工作, 实现注册的最佳实践, support, and retain the best candidates seeking to make a difference in the lives of others through various educator preparation and community undergraduate and graduate degree programs. 教育具有变革性, and the FSEHD will continue to embody a culture anchored in social justice that empowers and motivates all learners, faculty, 和员工一起推进我们的使命和愿景.


Ph.D.  Pennsylvania State University (University Park, PA): Health Education, Minor: Educational Psychology
布里奇沃特州立大学, 硕士):学士学位后教师执照:基础教育
M.A. 印第安纳州立大学:健康教育研究
B.S. 印第安纳州立大学(Terre Haute, IN):社区健康教育




Cummings, C. & Fisher, C. (2023). Embedding professional development and undergraduate research skills using an experiential learning approach. Sage研究方法案例1. http://doi.org/10.4135/9781529630893 

Cummings, C., & Reilly-Chammat R. (2023). Perspective Chapter: Strengthening and Empowering Professional Health Educators’ Capacity and Practice. 在健康和教育的成功-最近的观点,I. Ramavhoa(编辑)doi: 10.5772 / intechopen.108980  

弗林特·沃林顿,南卡罗来纳州., Greaney, M., Rampa, S., & Cummings, C. (2022). Using 3 assessment tools to measure patient 健康知识 in Rhode Island at federally qualified community health centers. 美国健康教育杂志,53:3,161-173,DOI: 10.1080/19325037.2022.2048751

卡明斯CA,费舍尔CM, & Reilly-Chammat R. (2021). 改进实践:表达性健康教育教师的经验. 健康教育杂志. August 2021.  doi:10.1177/00178969211029677

Greaney, M.L.华盛顿州沃灵顿市.F., Rampa, S., & Cummings, C. (2020). Assessing health professionals’ perception of 健康知识 in Rhode Island community health centers: A qualitative study. BMC公共卫生20,1289. http://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-09382-1 

Cummings, C.华盛顿州沃灵顿市., Rampa, S., & Greaney, M. (2020). Data Brief: Determining a Health Literacy Baseline at Thundermist Health Centers in RI (Project No.80000954)国际扶轮健康与人类服务执行办公室. [未公布的原始数据]. esball官方网.

Cummings, C.华盛顿州沃灵顿市., Rampa, S., & Greaney, M. (2020). Data Brief: Determining a Health Literacy Baseline at Providence Community Health Centers in RI (Project No.80000954)国际扶轮健康与人类服务执行办公室. [未公布的原始数据]. esball官方网.

Cummings, C. (2019). [《贝博esball官方网站》一书书评 & You, by J. S. Blake]. Pearson. 

Pomeroy, M., Brooks, C., & Sandino, S. (Host). (2018). Cummings, C. 营养教育[有声播客]. 健康与体育学会

Cummings, C. & Pepin, K. (2018). 调查结果及建议, year 5 report (2013-2018): RI Healthy Youth initiative: Promoting adolescent health through policy and program improvement, 模范性健康教育, 获得性健康服务, 建立安全和支持性的环境. 普罗维登斯,罗德岛:罗德岛小学和中学教育系.

Cummings, C. & Pepin, K. (2018). 健康青年倡议第五年调查报告:成果、差距和未来简报. 普罗维登斯,罗德岛:罗德岛小学和中学教育系.

Cummings, C. & Dunklee, B. (2017). 社区卫生工作者认证培训模块1:卫生素养. esball官方网保健教育研究所,普罗维登斯,esball官方网.

Cummings, C. & Fisher, C. (2017). 评估教师对性健康教育标准的信心和熟练程度. SAGE研究方法及案例. http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526403483

Cummings, C. & Obel-Omia, C. (2016). 健康阅读:健康与素养教育相结合的教学策略. 儿童教育,1992 (6),455-464.

Fisher, C. & Cummings, C. (2015). 评估教师对性健康教育标准的信心和熟练程度: Implication for professional development. 健康促进教育学,2(2):94-100. http://doi.org/10.1177%2F2373379915618216

Cummings, C. (2015). Rethinking the fishbowl discussion strategy: A mechanism to construct meaning and foster critical thinking and communication skills through student dialogue. 卫生esball官方网技术杂志,2(3),23-37.


Cummings, C. (首席研究员). (2019 – 2021). Assessing 健康知识 in RI and building 健康知识 skills in vulnerable populations and the healthcare professionals who serve them, 二年级(项目编号. 80000954)医疗补助,国际医疗援助协会卫生和人类服务执行办公室,奖励:105,882美元.00.

Cummings, C. (首席研究员). (2018 – 2019). Assessing 健康知识 in RI and building 健康知识 skills in vulnerable populations and the healthcare professionals who serve them, 第一年(项目编号. 80000954) Medicaid ISA RI Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Award: $106,021,000.

Cummings, C. (首席研究员) & Pepin, K. (2018). esball官方网中小学教育局, 国际扶轮健康青年倡议:5年健康青年倡议分析(计划编号. 90000889)国际扶轮教育部,奖金:20,000美元,2018年.

Cummings, C. (首席研究员) & Fisher, C. (2016). Strengthening undergraduate research skills using an experiential learning approach (Project No. 44929)esball官方网研究与创新活动中心资助,奖励:2500美元.00.

Cummings, C. (首席研究员). (2016). 将性教育标准纳入研究生阶段的性教育课程. 未来性教育小额资助,奖金:1500美元.00.

Cummings, C. (首席研究员),Percoco, V. & Furtado, G. (2016). 食物记录和博客:中央瀑布和esball官方网创新实验室项目. 范斯坦教育学院 & 人类发展中心瀑布创新基金,奖金$300.


RIC保健教育研究所: COEXIST Program: An interdisciplinary and multi-system response to HIV in Rhode Island. Role: Assist with curriculum development, grant writing, and development of evaluation instruments.

RIC保健教育研究所. 爱龄国际扶轮补助金. 粮食不安全小组联合主席. 与社区伙伴举行会议,重点讨论策略性措施.


Cummings, C., Greaney, M.华盛顿州沃灵顿市., & Rampa, S. (2021年11月).  国际扶轮社区卫生中心的卫生知识普及. 健康素养年度研究会议,虚拟会议. 

Cummings, C., Hardy, N., Cardente, B. & Gough, B. (2019年1月). 健康饮食,积极生活[会议]. 健康启动年会,福尔里弗,马萨诸塞州.

Cummings, C.华盛顿州沃灵顿市., Rampa, S., & Greaney, M. (March 2019). Assessing 健康知识 among community health center patients in Rhode Island [Poster presentation]. 行为医学学会.

Cummings, C.肯尼迪,E., & Fisher, C. (2019年11月). Training and preparation of nSchool Nurse Teachers as health educators [Poster presentation]. 美国公共卫生协会2019年全国会议,宾夕法尼亚州费城.

Cummings, C.肯尼迪,E., & Fisher, C. (October 2018). Training and preparation of school Nurse Teachers as health educators: Implication for school health [Conference session]. 美国学校健康全国会议,印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯.

Cummings, C.Reilly-Chammat, R., & Fisher, C. (March 2017). Let’s talk about sexuality education: Using educator and student standards to build competence and confidence [Conference session].  健康和体育教育协会,波士顿,马萨诸塞州.

Cummings, C., Furtado, G., & Percoco, V. (March 2017). 博客和食物记录走向健康营养[会议]. 健康和体育教育协会,波士顿,马萨诸塞州.

Cummings, C., & Fisher, C. (2017年10月). Building teacher candidates' confidence to teach sexual health education successfully [Conference session]. 美国学校健康协会全国会议,圣. Louis, MO

Cummings, C.Reilly-Chammat, R., & Fisher, C. (2017年12月). Building indispensable professional development for sexual health educators [Conference session]. 性教育全国会议中心,大西洋城,新泽西

Cummings, C. & Fisher, C. (March 2016). 增强性健康教育教师的学习和成长能力[会议]. 公共卫生教育协会,夏洛特,北卡罗来纳州.

Cummings, C., Furtado, G., & Percoco, V. (2015年10月). Blogging and Food-Logging towards   Healthier Nutrition: Central Falls / esball官方网 Innovation Lab. 美国学校健康协会全国会议,佛罗里达州奥兰多.

Cummings, C. & Johnson, K. (2015). 识字行走:健康教育者,体育教育者, & 课堂教师合作? 东区健康、体育及康乐协会 & 舞蹈,斯普林菲尔德,马萨诸塞州

Cummings, C. & Johnson, K. (2014)我的健康状况如何? 东区卫生、体育、康乐协会 & 舞蹈,纽波特,RI.

Cummings, C., Carreiro, D. & Parenteau, J. (2014). 发展,实现 & 初中六年级营养单元的影响. 东区卫生、体育、康乐协会 & 舞蹈,纽波特,RI.

Cummings, C. & Symons, C.  (October 2012) Using a Cross-Curricular Approach to Integrate Vocabulary Instruction in the Health Classroom. 美国学校健康协会,德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥.


助理教授的课程, Associate, 健康与体育学系正教授

FNED 101教学导论
HPE 221营养学入门                                                             
HPE 300健康教育和健康促进教育学
HPE 345儿童健康           
HPE 406健康促进计划的发展                  
HPE 426社区和公共卫生实习           
HPE 429社区和公共卫生研讨会    
HPE 530家庭生活和性教育     
HPE 652健康教育研讨会(研究生课程)


FSEHD熔断器奖学金, 2018-2020, 与房屋环境卫生署合作, 汉兰达研究所, and the RI Office of Innovation (Focus: To expand educator capacity by examining how personalized and blended learning is linked with the vision of the FSEHD. Creating a strategic integration of face-to-face instruction with digital tools and data that inform both the student and instructor.) 

课程发展及培训师, 社区卫生工作者公共卫生培训, 国际扶轮保健部和国际扶轮保健教育研究所, 2023 




New England Commission of Health Education (NECHE): Organization and Governance Subcommittee
评审员(2016 -至今)